Hot Chip

Despres de treure el seu tercer disc Hot Chip "One Life Stand" i de ser confirmats en el cartell del sonar i perque son la festa!!!! Ja toca va una mica de patata caliente!!!

Hot Chip "One Life Stand"

Hot Chip "Ready For The Floor"

Hot Chip "Over and Over"

Hot Chip "Boy From School"

Hot Chip "Colours"

Hot Chip "One Pure Thought"

Hot Chip "Arrest Yourself"

Hot Chip "Playboy"

Back Stage With Hot Chip

A Place To Bury Strangers

A Place To Bury Strangers son una banda de novayorquesos que agafan tota la distorsió del Shoegaze i la ràbia del heavy i la converteixen en aixó:

A Place To Bury Strangers "Keep Slipping Away"

A Place To Bury Strangers "My Weakness"

A place to Bury strangers "Exploding Head"

A Place To Bury Strangers "To Fix The Gash in Your Head"

A Place To Bury Strangers "I Know I'll See You"

A Place to Bury Strangers "In Your Heart"

A Place To Bury Strangers "The Falling Sun"


La veritat es que al principi m'ha impresionat més la imatge que no la música.
Pero al final escoltant tambe te el seu rollo. Podeu escoltar més sobre Flairs a Third Side Records. Si voleu saber qui es, mireu el 4t video.



Flairs "TRUCKERS DELIGHT" Film by This is the real Art

Who is Flairs ?

Flairs Su­per­li­fe

The Soft Pack

The Soft pack es una d'aquelles bandes que ancara que sigui la primera vegada que esclotes et dona la sencació de que potser en una altre vida ja havies sigut fan.

Ja son mítics, sonen clasics, serán unics!

The Soft Pack 'Answer to Yourself'

The Soft Pack 'Answer to Yourself'

The Soft Pack "C'mon" new video for old song!

The Soft Pack "C'mon"

The Soft Pack 'Extinction'

The Soft Pack 'Down on Lovin'

The Soft Pack 'Parasites'

The Soft Pack 'Pull Out'

The Soft Pack "Fences" (Phoenix cover)

Beach House

Beach House ataquen de nou amb el seu segon album "Teen Dream" i es confirmen com una de les millors bandes del moment.

Beach House "Norway"

Beach House "Used to be"

Beach House "Zebra"

Beach House "Silver Soul" Video by Victoria Legrand

Beach House "Master of None"

Beach House "Gila" Primavera Club 2009,Barcelona

Grizzly Bear & Victoria "Two Weeks" Live in Austin - SXSW 09